A reader's friendly suggestion that ErosBlog might be "the longest/oldest sex blog still alive" got me to musing.
There are many older that are no longer still active, even if they are still online. See, e.g., Tiny Nibbles by Violet Blue (@violetblue).
But there's at least one (that I know of) both older and still active. That's BJ's Porno-Crazed Ramblings, which dates back to 2001 (although I don't see older archives linked from current blog).
As I continued to think about this topic and some of the OG sex bloggers whose work I miss, I thought about Susanna Breslin, who sex-blogged as "The Reverse Cowgirl" very early (before ErosBlog) but not in a continuous slog over the decades. I'm entertained to notice that she now has an active Substack that's explicitly a Reverse Cowgirl reboot:
I have participated in several discussions of sex blog history over the years: