In case anyone is interested in my view on the #Greenland election result btw, I think most people voted on domestic issues: cost of living, healthcare, education, employment, elderly care.
Though for sure the USA #geopolitics angle probably helped #TurnOutTheVote.
This shouldn't be a surprise, most people everywhere do vote on domestic issues. And IMHO far too many journalists went in with an external view, without understanding the actual voters (part of the problem is too few Greenlandic journalists and a strike at public broadcaster KNR during the campaign probably didn't help). Incidentally, and naming no names, I have been contacted a couple of times by US based journalists with requests for suggestions for interviewees, specifically "community leaders".
I suggested the Prime Minister.
I don't think many people really understand just how autonomous Greenland is within the Kingdom.
Ruth_Mottram - Very good piece on the choices being voted on in the #Greenland elections.
As always @financialtimes coverage is top notch when it comes to #geopolitics.
Greenland independence debate ‘on steroids’ ahead of election -