Sexy Lexi's new account!
Poetry's what it's about
If you follow and don't block it
You'll find it a bit erotic
Sexy Lexi's new account!
Poetry's what it's about
If you follow and don't block it
You'll find it a bit erotic
New #introduction
I am a digital #artist working in #krita, making work with a somewhat automatic process, featuring strange ethereal beings, demons, and wizards. I am inspired by #weird #SciFi and #fantasy art of the 1970s and 80s, perhaps not unrelated to my love of #ProgRock and #HeavyMetal and #psychedelic music
I boost art that I enjoy, and I hope you will too :))
#ArtistsOnMastodon #QueerArt #weirdart #MastoArt #ADHD #Lesbian
#HorrorArt #BodyHorror #illustration #art #DigitalArt
Since I moved to a new instance, here's a little #introduction about me. My name is Purple, a #retrogaming nerd mostly into platformers, FPS games, and survival horror. I'm also nonbinary and on the #autism spectrum. In addition, I take interest in animation, mostly stuff geared towards adults.
As of now, my current media hyperfixations consist of:
Super Mario
Sonic the Hedgehog
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Life is Strange
Five Nights at Freddy's
South Park
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Salut ! Je suis un compositeur et musicien qui n'a jamais choisi d'équipe en ce qui concerne les styles musicaux. Ma zone de confort se situe entre le metal progressif/extrême, le jazz contemporain et le classique néo-romantique. J'aime les accords cool, bref. C'est ce que ça donne quand on grandit au rock progressif des années 70 et à la musique des jeux de rôle sur consoles et PC des années mi-90 en même temps.
Bien hâte d'être submergé par la créativité du fédivers !
Hey! I'm a composer and musician who never really picked sides regarding music genres. My musical comfort zone lies somewhere between progressive and extreme metal, contemporary jazz and neo-romantic classical. I'm down for anything that has cool chords, really. That's what you get when you grow up to 70s progressive rock and the music of mid-90s console and PC RPGs simultaneously, I guess.
Really looking forward to basking in the creativity of the fediverse!
We are a new collective of practical ecologists and arboriculturalists from North/East London bringing nature recovery to urban London.
We specialise in building sustainable, long term habitat restoration from the bottom up to enhance local wildlife. Based on local knowledge of an area we create and manage woodlands, waterways and grasslands to boost existing populations and create space for other species to return.…
Doing this a third time since I migrated to gamepad dot club (yay!) ....
I have a passion for all things #art, #knitting, #spinning (fiber), #books, #gaming, and of course #cats - I have #multiplesclerosis and often forget I cannot do all the things.
Below are some pictures of stuff I've done:
(For the Horde mittens, electric Daedalus spinning wheel, and a digital drawing done in Procreate on my iPad)
Hey Mastodon, my name is Dana! I have a passion for video games, reading, and working to make the world a better place; for myself and all generations to follow.
I work for a non-profit called Jennifer Ann's Group. Our mission is to prevent teen dating violence through awareness, education, and advocacy. Part of how we accomplish this is by creating video games to help teach teens about key protective factors and building healthy relationships. I graduated with a bachelors degree in Esports Management and have been working to spread awareness about our Gaming Against Violence program.
We also support developers in our annual game jam!
Let's connect, I'd love to meet other like-minded individuals!
Me (Diptych)
I hit the incredible mark of 2K. How? I really don't know. I'm not the most social person here. I mainly post selfmade photos, sometimes boost, am a mega-liker and occasionally smurf a comment.
But I'm still amazed at getting the same vibes here as logging on to #oldskool bulletin boards. So I really would like to thank all of you who follow me here
PS I intend to make this post sticky for a while and add some observations
After years on Facebook, I’m making the switch. It’s time to leave behind corporations that use their power to influence public discourse and control the balance of things. A part of me feels like I’m losing connections, especially with those I met during my travels, but change has always led to growth. I’m exploring Mastodon, hoping to find the kind of community that social media was meant to be. If you're on a similar journey, let’s connect!
Hi there!
@Berin here, I'll be posting dev updates for Mangolei's games on this account once I'm done setting stuff up.
We're currently working on a TBA detective/romance game set in an ancient Mesopotamian fantasy setting and developed in the Ren'Py visual novel engine.
The current top item on our to-do list is to work towards publishing the steam page and a cool teaser trailer, so that's what most posts will be about for now!
We are TRADUCOOP, the first Puerto Rico-based worker cooperative owned and operated by professional translators and interpreters.
Our collaborative community of credentialed language professionals is made up of fully bilingual native speakers of Spanish and English who possess years of training and experience.
Follow us as we document our journey to contribute to the cooperative movement.
New #introduction post for 2025! It will be about the same as usual, but I'll try to make it worth your while...
I'm Samifer, but you can call me Sam! I'm a French transmasc artist in his early thirties, currently trying to make a living in Austria alongside my two partners and our cats. I speak French natively, English fluently, and Japanese at a beginner level (I'm out of practice...) I can read most romance languages, although I've forgotten 95% of the Spanish I learned in school, unfortunately. I'll also be learning German in the future as best as I can.
My main area of interest is #Pokemon most specifically Pokémon X&Y (and Kalos in general.) I do love all things Pokémon, but I'd be lying if I said I don't spend 99% of my energy on my blorbos, lol. My favorite character is Lysandre and Sycamore/Lysandre (aka #perfectworldshipping) is my OTP and has been almost since day one, back when we were all gayposting about them on Tumblr. Other fandoms I've been most active in over the years have been Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Mob Psycho 100 and Yume Nikki/.flow. I love videogames a lot and most of my fandoms are videogames, and I'm also interested in weird/experimental videogames in general (a love that was definitely given to me by Yume Nikki and creepypasta nearly fifteen years ago at this point..!) I'm also very interested in international fandom culture and history! As a French guy who has experience
with the French web, it's always fun to learn about what fandom is like beyond the anglophone chokehold.
I draw and write, largely fanfic, although I've dabbled in original fiction (mostly smut in the last few years, lol.) I'm also a frequent event participant, mostly exchanges, and occasional event mod (fan weeks and promptfests have been my speed, but I'm trying to branch out!) I post most of my art here (and on other platforms) and occasionally link to my fic, though I don't always remember. To be clear, though, this is mostly a rambling/personal space, where I share reminders of things I want to do, random thoughts about my blorbos, complaints about fandom and real life, excitement regarding exchanges I've joined, etc. As well, I am very openly kinky and kink-positive, and do not mince words when it comes to that, so this account is very firmly . I'll always include warnings for both art and discussion, however.
I'm also not interested in getting involved in discourse or pointless debates. I'll sometimes privately express my thoughts on some drama happening, or share a funny tidbit I stumbled upon, but I'll never get into fights or do anything that might contribute to harassment or overall negativity. I want to stay focused on what I enjoy!!!
If you'd like to send me things anonymously (drawings or questions) I made a strawpage here:
If you'd like to learn more about me, or see all my links, you can check out my rentry here:
Thank you, and nice to meet you!
Hi! I'm Samerion — a multiplayer game developed by @Artha. I don't exist in any way except as a "concept," but every day, progress is made to let me become real. Read my monthly updates in the Journal:
At the current stage, I'm focusing on the world and model editor: the fundamental tools for shaping the game's universe.
New Re-#introduction (i edit this post way too much)
Hi, I go by Nyanta (nyanta.wav) most of the time interacting with the internet.
2D/2.5D - Video Games, Animanga, Vocasynth/Voca-Ps/Virtual Singers, SCP/Yokai, Sci-Fi
3D - Seiyuus, Gunpla, random keeb talk (and learning it), enjoys art, tech and photography (basically a gadget nerd), minor jpop or j-dramas
I am curious on other stuffs too but other interests comes and goes. I like reading as well - especially on story rich games. Im also a washed up mmo player, that's why i like beat 'em ups and jrpgs (tho i seldom play turn bases these days)
You can see a list of specific fandoms I'm in here:
As you can see my fandoms are pretty broad I'm pretty open to anything as long it wasn't anything in borderline sus areas
Currently documenting translations for a mobile card game (see link in profile).
Warning: Lots of brainrots, will sometimes write irl daily life about me
I will use cw if i write any potential nsfw/sensitive themes/drama or whatever potentially disturbing content
I love to make memes related to my fandom too when my bigbrain moment comes - so expect some occasional memes?
I accept any requests as long as you're ok with my content! If I follow you, its usually that I enjoy what you write
(meme edit by me; feel free to steal it no attributions req)
Alright. Enough Rambling. #introduction time since I moved to a new server.
I'm Me. I've been me for over 50 years, grumpy gen x-er
Trans Rights are Human Rights.
Fuck the entire Republican Party
Interests Include:
#StarTrek is my first love.
#STarWars is a Wonderful thing
#Babylon5 is my favorite thing and still mad at TNT
#eurorack #synths #synthesizer
Wide variety of music types, am developing my skills as a #musicproducer in what little spare time I have.
introduction because i saw someone else do one and i like talking about myself
name: zara
age: 13
pronouns: any
i am lesbian (I like people who look like what people call a woman. idgaf abt gender) and my gender is zara. no label
lgbtqia+ rights are human rights
atheist + anti-theist (anti organized religions)
me autistic and tourettes but who gaf
i wanna learn more about anarchy and i personally identify as an anarchist without adjectives. i think it’s important for anarchists to see the commonalities between each other, rather than the differences, and support the same cause by banding together.
have a nice day!!
“until we are all free, we are none of us free,” - emma lazarus, 1883.
allow me to reintroduce myself!
I'm a librarian focusing on research reproducibility + research data management.
I gave an interview about me/my work a while ago that is honestly still relevant:
I love FOSS, open access, open educational resources, open EVERYTHING
I hate the corporate capture of scholarship
I am a hobby and craft hoarder
I also love my husband @remram44 and our super cute black cat Little Boss
Hello there! Thanks for following Hermetic Library here, or however you see this post … Howdy!
Mainly I post links to my site and blog.
If you've enjoyed anything I post, I bet you'd like other stuff too. Come check things out!
Finally, my #introduction. Moved to #Portland in 2020. Have dabbled in various creative endeavors but mostly focusing on producing #music these days (nearly done mixing an album I recorded in #Japan in late 2013). I also write blogs and short stories and make the occasional video. 日本語が少しできます。Married to a wonderful fella. I also enjoy #hiking, #cannabis, early-to-mid 20th century #art, #mahjong, #futurism, oh, just lots of eclectic things. He/They. Traveling to #Europe in spring 2025.