what is going on is the biggest public opinion manipulation operation since the war in #Iraq: the military-industrial complex in cahoots with the mainstream media are selling us #ReArmEurope like they sold us the war in Iraq
what is going on is the biggest public opinion manipulation operation since the war in #Iraq: the military-industrial complex in cahoots with the mainstream media are selling us #ReArmEurope like they sold us the war in Iraq
what's going on is the biggest public opinion manipulation operation since the Iraq war
the military complex in cahoots with mainstream media are selling us #ReArmEurope like they sold us the Iraq war
Please share any confidential file on #ReArmEU here:
io prego chiunque abbia informazioni confidenziali sulle manovre politiche dietro #ReArmEurope e dietro spinta ad aumentare vertiginosamente la #SpesaMilitare,distruggendo così il nostro #StatoSociale,a inviarmele qui in sicurezza:
quello che è in corso è la più grande operazione di manipolazione dell'opinione pubblica dalla guerra in #Iraq: il complesso militare-industriale in combutta con i media mainstream ci stanno vendendo #ReArmEurope come ci vendettero la guerra in Iraq
Last week, thanks to @nukestrat,we revealed that the new #USTacticalNuclearWeapons B61-12 have been shipped to Europe, #Italy included. NO press coverage. Why?It would undermine the propaganda telling you #Europe is defenceless and we absolutely need #ReArmEurope
I am convinced that this is the last call for Europe's progressive anti #war forces: either they find a way to unite on a single goal-opposition to #ReArmEurope and a future of misery and militarism-or they will be completely irrelevant and damned by the people
"If one tells the truth, one is sure, suoner or later, to be found out", the great Oscar Wilde said. VonderLeyen told the truth: #ReArmEurope is a rearmament programme,ofc.
To spin the truth,#Meloni proposed to change the name of the programme:from #RearmEurope to #DefendEurope
@tom @anneroth Wenn die aktuelle Lage wirklich der Grund für #RearmEurope wäre, wieso hatte Donald Trump dann die Idee schon 2018:
Starke NATO durch die Aufrüstung Europas (+ Kanadas), vor allem Deutschland wäre da gefragt das durchzuführen und endlich (wieder) Führungsstärke zeigen.
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Matt @MattCartoonist on #ReArmEurope #Eurostar @Telegraph – political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com
@imi ...von #RearmEurope
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@Rex_Tail Things worth noting:
#Thiel is THE Silicon Valley billionaire behind BOTH administrations and the movement in general.
As early as 2017 #PeterThiel was called the "Shadow President" of the USA.
While in the past #Trump never really had cared much about the home of his ancestors #Germany, with (Breitbart Bannon and) Peter from Germany at his side things changed. What the Germans call #Zeitenwende and what now is promoted as #RearmEurope can be traced...
So we're re-arming the people responsible for multiple genocides and exploitation of the Global South, for two world wars using horrific weapons and producing unbelievably savage violence, and for the destruction of multiple indigenous cultures?
nothing matters more than exposing the #ReArmEurope programme for a future of misery and militarism which will cripple our #WelfareState.
Do you have legit access to confidential documentation on it?
Please consider to share it safely here:
nothing matters more than exposing the #ReArmEurope programme for a future of misery and militarism.
Do you have legit access to confidential documentation (internal emails, reports/memos) on #ReArmEurope?
Please consider to share them safely here:
niente è importante come rivelare le scelte e le pressioni funeste del programma #ReArmEurope per un futuro di miseria e militarismo
Avete accesso legittimo a documenti,email,report confidenziali?
Condivideteli qui, protetti da quanto di più avanzato:
"Le vere opposizioni dovrebbero unirsi per chiedere alla Meloni di porre il veto per fermare quella follia".
Da leggere #MarcoTravaglio su #ReArmEurope
"with this equipment, Member States can massively step up their support to Ukraine.
To conclude: ReArm Europe could mobilise close to EUR 800 billion for a safe and resilient Europe. We will continue working closely with our partners in NATO. This is a moment for Europe. And we are ready to step up."
Press statement by President von der Leyen on the defence package
Nothing matters more than exposing the #RearmEurope programme for a future of misery and militarism.
Do you have legit access to confidential documentation on #RearmEurope?
Please consider to share it safely here:
We need confidential emails,reports,memos