The creators of #house, #techno, #electro and other foundational dance music genres not only aren’t reaping the benefits of the music’s highly lucrative global explosion—they’re now dying off as well, often at troublingly young ages.
It’s not a coincidence that many of these artists are Black, as the average life expectancy of Black people in the US has long lagged behind that of their white counterparts.
It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! Today's mood is "fuzzy!"
Post a song/songs that you think fit "fuzzy"! It can be about feeling fuzzy in your brain, or warm and fuzzy in your heart, it can be about being fuzzy, or fuzzy animals or maybe the history of the song is fuzzy or whatever! The song can itself could sound fuzzy or just remind you of fuzziness. You can interpret the mood any way you want!
There are no wrong answers!
Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "fuzzy".
A list of music genres and inspirations: #KateBush #FreeJazz #ExperimentalMusic #ElectronicMusic #Radiohead #Filter #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #disco #HouseMusic #DeepX (defunct electronic label) #XraySpex (no relation to DeepX) #UA #punk #postpunk #techno #Zeuhl #GusGus #MatthewDear #HenryRollins #Mallsoft #Audacity #LMMS #sampling #Noh music #能 #intonarumori #MauriceRavel #JohnAdams #gamelan #SafetyScissors #Perfume (list will be expanded as I think of more!)
It smells like spring in my little corner of the planet. And here's the tenth track of 2025.
It has little to do with spring though. Or does it? It's techno for sure, and it's energetic enough to not feel like winter, I suppose.
I didn't know where I was going when I started this project, and I still don't, but it's a excellent exercise.
More importantly, I'm having fun. I hope you're having fun too :)
Westbam - Celebration Generation (Raver#s Nature Re-Mix)
maybe just me, but the feed seems awfully quiet on the "bandcamp(c)(tm)(r) friday" front.
which means there should be plenty of oxygen in the room for my own suggestions :P
granted, the world is burning , and simultaneously flooding, and we got measles and an all-you-can-infect flu buffet going on. but in these times, its important to remember that what we *can* still do for others matters.
supporting one another and making the days a little less painful is important. think of the last time someone made you smile or laugh in spite of the trauma that is our every day lives.
also, i think absolute good is often characterized by being two ways. when you do real good, you make someone else happier and yourself happier.
so if you like the music an artist is making, throw them a $1 or $2. their music makes you happy and your support will make their day.
so if any of you are you interested in #ambient #soundscapes with a healthy dose of #noise but often times weaving a solid #rhythmic section in and out of that fabric... i would highly recommend you check out my comrade @rybson . you can grab music and support them at their bandcamp:
been studying a ton of stuff this week, and "lofi microtonal beats to avoid brain damage to" as well as the album "gomi 三" have made for an excellent study soundtrack.
if you would like something less abstract, but more #techno #industrial #ebm #dance oriented while very explicitly attacking the powers that be and being driven by the wildest (i mean, seriously, the fucking wildest) #drum #beats doused in just the right amount of #distortion you need to check out my other comrade, @controlfreak
anything you can contribute to him would be greatly appreciated by me personally so that we can crowdfund the making of his next masterpiece :D
or you know support someone you care about it. even small amounts. our power lies in our numbers and the quality of our interactions. we don't need the corpos, we don't need a special day or a branded campaign brought to you by roland, or us bank.
take care of another and stay radical.
nothing new from me today but you can use the code "bcf" to get 50% anything in my discography, this also stacks with the existing discount if you buy everything
heyyy, it's bandcamp friday!
i just re-released the final batch of old music on my new bandcamp page, so it is now up to date with everything i've done so far
"girls rock" is the sounds of a lonely android girl, as she floats around the moons and planets of an uninhabited star system, creating psychedelic bops and astral jams with the friends that live in her head
also, to celebrate re-releasing everything i've put my entire catalog on sale for almost nothing if you like this sort of thing
thanks for listening!
Nice bit of noisy and kinda wonky techno / electro with a more ambient techno one at the end
Some very nice acid techno/idm
Revisiting another favourite
I like the way this one drifts between synth pop on one end and kinda acid techno on the other
Great vocals throughout too
Back DJing at the Albion Hotel in Castlemaine!
this time Techno and Drum&Bass - I'll play both kinds of music!
14 Mar 2025, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
The Albion Castlemaine,
152 Duke St, Castlemaine VIC
Presented for 3/03:
Fugue State - Antifascist Acid Bonk
My take on acid-flavored antifascist techno. Remixes welcome, see following post for materials.
#acid #techno #ElectronicMusic #music #BonkWave #antifascist #303Day #CreativeCommons
Hey Fediverse, ich suche nach Leuten, die elektronische Musik machen und sich gerne vernetzen wollen. Völlig egal mit welchen Mitteln ihr Musik macht, völlig egal in welche Richtung es geht. Ich brauche noch mehr Kreativität in meinem Stream. Erstmal nur schnuppern und folgen, aber evtl. auch gemeinsam was auf die Beine stellen. LG
We're at the end of week 9 now. You know the drill.
Now we're wandering on the side of dub techno, or at least close to something that may remind of dub techno.
There's plenty of delay and reverb for sure, but don't expect minimalist ethereal textures here. The bass isn't exactly subtle, and it's probably more techno than dub.
But my parrot was nodding along, so... it's parrot-approved.