Spanish translation in #usenet alt.2600.* newsgroups for the english explanation that I find to be one of the best out there or the best ever. We are making fliers here in #Madrid and stickers. #2600 #hackers #hacking #hackerculture #hackingIsNotACrime #hispagatos @thedarktangent @nh2600 @merce @AlbertoQ @thegibson @drwho @aleph_one
LOL! "2001"? The Internet was well past its best by then. Peak fun and usefulness was in the mid-to-late '90s.
#Internet #Usenet #nostalgia #retrocomputing
I am having a hard time relating to the current batch of "what was your first social media site" memes. For me, it was an asynchronous dialup message board where you'd connect, download the updates, log off, reply offline, then dial in just long enough to send/receive new updates.
After that is it was listservs. (Email discussion groups). For a lot of people it was Usenet, or local dialup BBSs.
Social media doesn't have to be "a site".