I frequently refer to #Google as a #PornHostile or #Pornocalypse search engine. It's a difficult case to make with objective rigor, though, because they're sneaky fuckers about it.
Want a demonstration? In 2010 I wrote 2000 ranty words about how professor Shira Tarrant used an obviously made-up statistic in a #porn article she wrote for #alternet: http://www.erosblog.com/2010/11/29/college-professor-alternet-porn-statistics-fail/
I just tried to find my ErosBlog post by searching her name. Google won't show it anywhere in the results. QED
My original post did include several incorrect ways to spell professor Tarrant's name (since corrected). But I confirmed the correct spelling was and remains present in the post.
I also checked the obvious stuff like making sure so-called "Safe Search" was off and using a guest browser window to make sure my cookies and search history weren't affecting the result.
Oh, yes, I also checked to make sure Google knows about my post, was able to crawl and index it, et ectera. That's easy to test: Pick six or seven words from the post, put them in quotes, it pops right up.
But if you search on the name of this professor and author who researches and writes about porn, Google won't tell you about my 2,000 word post that discusses her porn research practices. Nope, obviously that's not gonna be a relevant result, because it comes from a site that has porn on it.
I fucking miss AltaVista. #AltaVista #Search #SearchEngine